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모든 번역물

모든 번역물 - luckydevil

원문 언어
번역될 언어

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원문 언어
영어 Notes on a Music Album #3
In Ustuqus-al-Uss album I somehow inclined to jazz fusion and classic instrumentation. I think the eastern “blend” still dominates e.g. in “Ustuqus-al-Uss-al-Avvalin” which I think is the most progressive song I have ever composed (The second catchy guitar solo is performed by Pouyan). Some songs are extremely personal e.g. “Naught been I thou” which is an off-beat jazzy tune with unusual dance elements... These songs are my utmost fears and hopes - to a degree that made me mute from communicating by words. And thus they become instrumental sounds...
1. The word "progressive" in the phrase "the most progressive tune I have ever made" refers to "progressive rock genre". It means the tune that contains the most "progressive rock" tendencies.
2. "song" and "tune" are synonyms in this text

완성된 번역물
스페인어 Notas sobre el Album #3
러시아어 О новом альбоме
이탈리아어 Note sull'album #3
프랑스어 Remarques sur l'album de musique n°3
네덜란드어 Over Muziek Album #3
노르웨이어 Notater om musikk album #3
폴란드어 Komantarz do albumu muzycznego #3
스웨덴어 Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #3
독일어 Notizen zum Musikalbum #3
덴마크어 Notater om Musik Album #3
터키어 Albüm Hakkında Notlar
히브리어 הערות על אלבום מוסיקה מס. 3